For centuries, man has entertained the crowds with his performances, progressively evolving his technique thanks to technological advances.
Our goal in every innovation is to convey a stronger message to the audience, pushing the boundaries of astonishment and the unexpected.
By enhancing the human performance with the machine, allowing a scenic opening that brings us closer to the crowd.

The Zapata Flyboard Team :
Pioneer and undisputed leader, as creator of machines, holder of international patents.
Creator of the 2012 FLYBOARD® shows. Expert knowledge, more than 2000 shows around the world to date
At the forefront of innovation, creation of the first waterproof luminous costumes, waterproof pyrotechnic backpacks, portable marine communications systems …
Optimal expertise, an international network of engineers, artistic directors, creators, international performers
A permanent innovation, a total control of the machines proposed in spectacles, allowing numerous modifications and adaptations according to requirements, while preserving a maximum security.